Agape Adoption
In the first phase, you will receive just the name of a man in the program. Your small group is encouraged to pray for him by name on a regular basis, personally, and corporately for strength and wisdom as they begin this program.
The expectation is that some of the men in your small group is to come and participate in the program either through the Monday Night Bible Study, Morning Devotionals, or any classes. The goal is to help these men have familiar faces to help with future phases.
In the second phase, the man you adopted will come to your small group and share his testimony. Being able to hear their story in person will help your group put a face to the one they have been praying for as well as develop a personal relationship.
At this point, members of the small group are encouraged to take your adoptee out for coffee, soda, or even into your home for a meal. This will help continue to build a relationship with these men who may have been alienated from their families and show them there is a family in Christ that cares about them.
In the last phase, the small groups will invite their assigned man to worship at their Church. The idea is to be there to welcome him and help him feel comfortable. This is the ultimate goal of this program-to connect these men to a local church where they already know people and will feel comfortable coming into a strange setting.
Of course, you will continue praying and mentoring this man as he continues in his lifestyle of sobriety, and to help renew his relationship with God and especially the family of God.