Phase 2
Gradual reintroduction into the world includes service work within the community, outside 12-step meetings, and an introduction to the local body of believers.
The Bible is the foundation. Daily, the men are required to maintain both individual and group devotions. Biblical milestones are set throughout the program but must be sought out by each man individually.
Client will be held to a higher standard once in the second phase.
Maintain participation in Drill, Physical Training, and Marching.
Client must be able to recite the Chain of Command, Ranks, and Creeds and perform facing movements with excellence.
Client will serve his fellow brother by assisting in Drill, Physical Training, and Marching.
(12 Steps)
Write about his personal experience applying each step and what that looks like in his life.
Begin study on the 4th Step.
Read through Step 4 of the chosen program literature.
Answer Step 4 questions.
One-on-one with the Recovery Coordinator to go over the fourth step.
Pray for others and learn to develop the spiritual gifts they are beginning to develop.
Begin sharing in class about their experiences working with other brothers in the program.
Develop a personal relationship with God and share their testimony about their newfound relationship.
Begin memorizing scripture and presenting scripture during class.