Phase 1

Zero contact with the outside world. The schedule is dominated by intense military discipline, biblical studies, 12-step processes, and education.


The Bible is the foundation. Daily, the men are required to maintain both individual and group devotions. Biblical Milestones are set throughout the program but must be sought out by each man individually.

  • Client will learn and memorize all ranks used by the program, including the chain of command and military creeds.

  • Client must learn all facing moments required for drill and ceremony.

  • Client must be able to actively participate in Drill, Physical Training, and Marching.

  • Attend all Leadership classes and complete any assignments issued.

  • Client must dress out in uniform appropriately. Following the uniform dress code with respect and honor.

  • Client must reflect self-respect as well as respect for others, learning from military training and leadership.


  • Choose a program of recovery to apply to your life as a program of recovery Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or Celebrate Recovery.

  • Have an understanding of the first three steps and complete any assignments given (step study questions.)

  • Read Material associated with program of choice NA Basic Text Preface: p. 107; AA p. 1–168; CR booklets.

  • Turn in assignments signed off by staff.

  • Attend all meetings inside the facility.

  • Present an understanding of each step during class time.


(12 step)

  • Attend classes designated for prayer and evangelism. 

  • Have an open mind during class.

  • Take the suggestions given during class and practice prayer and witnessing. 

  • Have a willing heart to step out of their level of comfort to pray and witness to someone else.
