SERVICE - carry the message
“Practical experience shows that nothing will so much ensure immunity from drinking and drugging as intensive work with other addicts and alcoholics. It works when other activities fail.”
The 12th step suggests that we carry the message to the still suffering addict or alcoholic. This is the SERVICE part of recovery. We can help others who are suffering from addiction in ways no one else can. After all, we have had experiences in which they can relate to. We invite those who are suffering into our fellowship as the most important person in the room. (The new man) We demonstrate how God helped us overcome are dilemma of powerlessness. We offer an ear to hear things that they have not been able to share previously. We will help others work the steps and see that God can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. As we share life and light with others we receive it from our heavenly father. This is the spiritual axiom that transcends the bondage of self and relieves the spirituality malady which led us to destruction and, eventually a New Hope.