Spiritual Continuity/ Manifestations

“What was given to you freely, you must give away freely.”. Matthew 10:8

“Step 12 has found a way to expose and transform our pathological adolescence by telling us early on that we must serve others. It is not an opinion, not something we might eventually be “called” to after 35 religious retreats and 50 years of church service. It is not something we do when we finally get our act together. No, we do not truly comprehend any spiritual thing until we ourselves give it away. Spiritual gifts increase only by “using” them, whereas material gifts normally decrease in value by usage.” Richard Rohr

“Simon, Simon, you must be sifted like wheat, and once you have recovered, you and your turn must strengthen your brothers and sisters.”. Luke 22:31-32


Complete Deflation


A Spiritual Revolution (ccc)