"Economy of Grace" vs Punishment
“At times I kept silent and my bones wasted away. I grown day in and day out, my heart grew parched as subble and summer drought, and at last I admitted to you that I had sent and no longer concealed my guilt.” Psalms 32 3-5
Most cultures and religions believe that in one way or another sin and evil should be punished and retribution is demanded from the sinner. This is a dualistic system of reward and punishment. There are good guys and bad guys, and this makes perfect sense to the ego. It is a system of merit or “meritocracy”and it is the best that prisons, courtrooms, wars, lawyers and even most churches-which should know better-can do.
“The revelations from the cross and the 12 steps, however, show that sin and failure are, in fact, the setting and opportunity for the transformation and enlightenment of the offender and then the future will take care of itself. It is a mystery that makes sense to the soul and his entirely and ‘Economy of Grace’, which makes sense only to those who have experienced it.”. Richard Rohr